Recently, when I was doing some pre-marital counseling with a couple, an idea was suggested that their newly blended family have a weekly meeting to discuss what is going well and what challenges they still need to work through. I asked my stepmom about that idea and she thought that would have been a very helpful thing for us to have done years ago. I am taking that wisdom and running with it! So I am scheduling a family meeting for the members and regular attenders of New Life Fellowship Church, on Wednesday, September 22, 2021, at 7:00pm. I wanted to give people time to get home from work and have supper before coming. This is a critical meeting in which we will discuss where we’ve been, where we are, and where we hope to be, as well as what it will take to get there. This is a meeting in which I will share information that I can’t cover on a Sunday morning; information that is important for all of us to know, that can only benefit the church if you are present! Please plan to attend!
I am excited to see how God is going to work in and through New Life Fellowship Church as we roll up our sleeves together to strengthen this family and mobilize us to make an impact in the lives of people in our community and around the world for the sake of his Kingdom!!!
Pastor Mike